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企业名称: 烟台华冠医疗科技有限公司
企业性质: 民营企业机器设备:
企业规模:  20-50人 人   所在区域: 烟台
成立日期: 2014

烟台华冠医疗科技有限公司简介 烟台华冠医疗科技有限公司坐落在山海相拥、风光旖旎的滨海旅游度假胜地---山东省烟台市,位于主城区---芝罘区西南部,交通便捷,陆海通达旨在以慈悲心怀、以高品质的职业素养,全力为客人创造幸福、为社会创造幸福、为门诊医护团队创造幸。公司始建于2014年,占地1000平方米,是一家集生产、研发、销售、服务为一体的综合型义齿加工企业牙齿种植、矫正、美学修复、牙周病治疗、根管治疗、儿童牙科。公司成立之初,以“精品义齿”定位市场,秉承“以质量求效益、以诚信谋发展、以服务树形象”的经营理念,通过“人才、机制、质量、服务”四位并举,着力增强企业核心竞争力,树立良好的企业品牌形象诊所成立的宗旨和服务承诺:立足于未来,推崇精益求精、自由豁达的诊所文化,永远充满着生机与活力,确保以先进的精湛技术、最新的观念,最大程度地提升就诊者的口腔健康水平和生活品质。。坚持人才是*生产力,制定荟聚人才、留住人才、用好人才的用人机制;完善体系建设,实施先进的科学化精细化管理;提高硬件水平,大力引进高端技术和精密设备;强化服务意识,为广大客户提供优质高效的人性化服务诊所在口腔临床专业、护理专业、经营管理上,都得到省内业界较高认可,也会定期接受外院医护来诊所进修学习。。长风破浪会有时,直云帆济沧海,华冠全体同仁将凝心聚力,共展宏图,致力于口腔修复事业,为人类健康做出积极的贡献!我们相信,华冠的明天与朝阳相伴,与璀灿同行!爱在华冠,扮美人间! 乘车路线:1、烟台火车站南出站口步行(237米)至工人子女小学,乘56路(19站)至嘉禾乐天家居(黄务)场站,向南步行200米,至桦林大厦二楼把医疗质量作为医疗工作之根本,同时重点加强口腔医疗器械的消毒。2、烟台青年路汽车站步行(134米)至肛肠病医院,乘27路(19站)至嘉禾乐天家居(黄务)场站,向南步行200米,至桦林大厦二楼治疗上充分体现人性关怀,最大限度地保证无痛治牙。服务项目有牙齿治疗、牙齿美容、洗牙、烤瓷牙、铸造牙、种植牙、精密附着体、全口义齿、牙齿畸形矫正、儿童牙齿窝沟封闭,最新开展热牙胶根管充填技术,提高了牙病。 Brief introduction of Yantai Huaguan Medical Technology Limitd. Yantai Huaguan Medical Technology Limited is located in southwest of Zhifu district, downtown of Yantai, Shandong province. Yantai is famous of her geographic characteristic with embracing by mountain and seaofBo Haiand is a popular resort inChina. The location of the company can be reached both by land and water transportation system conveniently.Yantai Huaguan established in 2014 with 1000 square meter site area. It is a comprehensive dental manufacture integrated production; research; development; market and service together. Since the beginning of our business, Huaguan targets our products as “the best denture” in the high end market. We uphold our management principle as : benefit by quality, development by sincerity, and image by service”; and focus on enhancing the core competence of enterprise, establish a good corporation brand image through combining “talent, mechanism, quality and service” simultaneously. We insist on talent is the first productivity, and set up human resource mechanism for attracting talents, retaining talents, and making good use of talents; we improve system construction; implement advanced, scientic and elaborating management; develop hardware; introduce high technology and precision equipment; strengthen the service consciousness; provide best and effective personalized customer service. “the great ambition can achieve sometimes, only hang the cloud sail aid the sea”. With gathering our talent and effort, the staff of Huaguan are committing to dental cosmetology industry and contribute to human health business.We believe the future of Huaguan is always company with dawn and growing with glory.Loving in Huaguan, beauty in the world. 企业组织管理是对企业管理中建立健全管理机构,合理配备人员,制订各项规章制度等工作的总称。具体地说就是为了有效地配置企业内部的有限资源,为了实现一定的共同目标而按照一定的规则和程序构成的一种责权结构安排

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